Current Issues
inTolerance – Navigating the storm of end time humanism
God longs to enfold us in His love, anchoring us firmly within himself. The tossed and battered ship of our feelings cannot easily be torn away from the mooring place that is kept safe by God himself – not even by the mighty waves of human tragedy and natural disaster. Just as rescue procedures are in place for the event of a disaster, so too our heavenly Father has already prepared a rescue plan for each one of us personally, a plan that takes our weaknesses and inabilities into account. To read the full booklet, click here, or please contact us if you would like to order copies.
The Cross in the Crossfire
As we draw nearer to the time of Jesus’ second coming, it is his cross that will unite or divide us. How we perceive the cross will determine our future, and none of us will be able to dodge the issue indefinitely. For each of us personally, there will be a “falling” or a “rising”. To read the full booklet, click here, or please contact us if you would like to order copies.
Prayer against Terrorism
To read the full prayer, click here, or please contact us if you would like to order copies.
Prayers for Israel
To read the prayers, click here or please contact us if you would like to order copies.
Ambassadors for Israel
On October 7th, 2023, a massacre of the Jewish people took place, the likes of which has not been seen since the Holocaust. Since then, Israel has been fighting to survive.
We forget - or don't want to see - that Israel is fighting this battle not just for itself, but for all of us, the whole Western world: for our freedom - against terrorism.
Isn't it time to thank Israel instead of condemning it? To read the full booklet, click here, or please contact us if you would like to order