
In Memory of the Past

Having grown up in the Third Reich, our first sisters came with a deep sorrow over the past. Witnesses of God’s judgement on Germany for the genocide of the Jewish people, they were aware of Christians’ responsibility to identify with their nation and its history, both good and bad.

In recent years a new awareness has arisen concerning the Church’s relationship to her older brother Israel.

Special Events and Articles on Christianity and Israel see: 'Ministries' and 'We are for Israel'


During the time of the British Mandate in Palestine (1917-1948) Britain broke her promise, given in the Balfour Declaration, to provide a homeland for the Jewish people, and betrayed the greatest trust ever given to a nation. Thousands of Jewish Refugees, who could have survived, died as a result of our actions.

This short film – SORRY –  was made by an Israeli lady who was born in one of the British detention camps on Cyprus. It is about a special gathering of Israelis and British people at Haifa Port and Atlit Camp in May 2015. The event was co-ordinated by Rosie Ross of ‘Repairing the Breach’.


Only in this spirit of repentance and reconciliation was it possible to travel to areas suffering from the legacy of the past, such as Northern Ireland. As once our sisters prayed for their own country, so now they prayed for their adopted country; and over the years the Lord has brought them into contact with other groups with a similar burden for the nation. Today warm bonds of fellowship link us with Christians throughout the British Isles, many of whom have a long-standing ministry of intercession.

Standing up and being counted

At a time when the Ten Commandments are being dismissed as irrelevant, the need to stand up and be counted is greater than ever. But the prophetic ministry goes hand in hand with the ministry of encouragement. During the crises of the end times we have the comforting assurance of Jesus: ‘When these things begin to take place, look up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near’ (Luke 21:28 RSV)

One of the smallest tools God uses is 7×14.5cm and has been distributed around the world for many years – bookmarks with words written by our Founder Mother Basilea. They have now been published in the 95th language – Tikuna (the language of an Amazon tribe).

We are delighted that wooden racks containing these bookmarks can be found in 24 languages in the Parish Church in Windsor – St. John the Baptist and in 32 languages in Westminster Central Hall.

Silent Missionaries

‘Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgement has come. Worship Him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.’ Rev.14:7(NIV)

To the glory of God about 200 praise plaques have been erected at scenic spots and historic sites in the British Isles. These ‘silent missionaries’ with a Scripture verse and brief text reach people where they are often most responsive: outdoors in nature.

Some plaques have been known to stop people from taking their lives. Click Praise plaques for one woman’s account of a close shave with death.

Beachy Head

When a landslide, possibly Britain’s largest single loss of coastline in living memory radically changed the face of Beachy head on the south coast, the praise plaque was left standing, its text a reminder of the sovereignty of God: ‘Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty!’ (Psalm 93:4 RSV) – those words achieved a new significance when it became apparent just how destructive those mighty waves can be.

Pointing to God, the plaques also serve to resist the powers of darkness, claiming the land for Him. Today, as neo-paganism gains in popularity, even a short, simple word of Christian testimony, such as a praise plaque can help counter this trend.


Jesus cannot come again until His Bride is ready, on fire with love for Him. At ‘Jesus Return’ it is our prayer that we might help prepare the way. Daily we repeat the words of Scripture, ‘Blessed are those who are called to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.’ Maranatha. Come, O Lord! In the joyful assurance that this day is drawing near.